2020棲蘭100越野-延期公告 Postponement of the 2020 Taiwania Ultra Trail
2020 棲蘭100越野超級馬拉松-延期公告
對於一起往前走的跑友,我們特別再製作一件特別的紀念衫在9月贈送給您,遺憾9月無法參賽的跑友,將依競賽辦法(廿七、注意事項:第12條)內容,請在 3月 15日以前填表退費;外籍跑者則一律保留參賽名額及費用到九月賽事。
另外,協會在4月25日舉辦55公里的台灣之心(埔里-清境)挑戰賽,如果需要維持跑感,又還沒有報名的跑友,將提供特別的優惠,在03/30以前仍可用早鳥價報名參賽,請先填報名表 再寫信至協會信箱 ctau.runner@gmail.com 告知。
上班時間 08:00-11:00、12:00-17:00。
Postponement of the 2020 Taiwania Ultra Trail
Dear International Participants,
Due to health and travel concerns related to the COVID-19, the 2020 Taiwania Ultra Trail scheduled for March 28-29 has been postponed to September 19-20 this year.
We have been preparing for this event for several months. Let us all sit back at this moment and wait for the dark cloud passes. Please listen the theme song we produced for this trail race and continue training for the race later.
For International participants, due to the international remittance fee is way too high, we will swift your entry to September automatically. We appreciate your patience and will send you a special shirt as a gift in September.
For further information contact: ctau.runner@gmail.com
【About: Accommodation at Mingchih Resort / Cilan Resort】
If you book online by yourself, you can directly contact the Mingchih Resort or Cilan Resort to postpone or cancel the booking.
Mingchih Resort:+886-3-9894104, Cilan Resort:+886-3-9809606;
Working Hour: 08:00-11:00, 12:00-17:00.
【About: Postponement Gift T-Shirt Size Survey】
To thanks the runner who support the race, the organizer will give a race T-shirt (when check-in the runner package at September’s race). Here’s the Size Survey Link: https://forms.gle/ar5zbkLgFFGb37BN9. Those who haven’t reply the link will provide the size L.