2021 世界山徑越野錦標賽[泰國] – 延期公告

2021-08-14 12:30

2021 World Mountain and Trail Running Championships (Chiang Mai, Thailand) - Postponed

[IAU Website Announcement]
WA、IAU與WMRA在向泰國主辦單位討論後,同意將原定於2021年11月11日至14日舉行的首屆世界山地越野跑錦標賽 延期舉辦。
目前計畫將活動重新安排於 2022年2月 的第二個週末舉辦,屆時氣候條件相似。但是,確切的日期將取決於未來幾個月Covid-19 疫情狀況。2021年10月下旬將做出最終決定:延期至 2022年2月 或 必須再延期到2022年11月。
After discussion with our Thai colleagues from the Local Organising Committee, we have agreed that we must make the difficult decision to postpone the first World Mountain and Trail Running Championships scheduled for - 11th to the 14thNovember 2021.
The decision was taken after consideration of the current uncertain situation regarding the public health issues surrounding Covid-19 in not only Thailand but also our own countries which may have affected-the health and safety of our athletes and hosts.
Currently we are planning to reschedule the event for the second weekend of February 2022, when the climatic conditions are similar. However, the confirmation of the date remains subject to monitoring the Covid-19 situation in the next few months. A final decision will be taken by the end of October 2021 on whether postponing to February 2022 is still feasible or to move to November 2022.


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