2021 世界山徑越野錦標賽[泰國] – 再次延期公告
2021-11-04 12:26
Postponement of the 1st World Mountain and Trail Running Championships (Chiang Mai, Thailand)
[IAU Website Announcement]
原定從2021年11月延期至2022年2月辦理的首屆世界山徑越野錦標賽,考量主辦國泰國、以及全球目前情勢的不確定性,決定將賽事再次延期到 『2022年11月』。詳細公告請見上方連結中WMRA、ITRA與IAU的聯合聲明。
This joint statement by WMRA, ITRA and IAU follows on from the online conference on 3rd November 2021 hosted by World Athletics on mountain and trail running where the Thai Tourism Authority and ourselves updated Member Federations and other interested participants on the status of the 1st World Mountain and Trail Running Championships (“WMTRC”).
Unfortunately, given the ongoing uncertainty of the current situation in both the host country and worldwide, we have reluctantly had to come to the decision to make a final postponement of the event until November 2022.
More detials are provided in the statement above.