2021北宜公路超級馬拉松-延期公告 Postponement of the 2021 Taipei-Yilan Pathway Ultramarathon

2021-05-20 18:10


 親愛的跑友,因應國內疫情發展,各項賽事配合政令延期,為避免賽期接近影響籌備,保持各場賽事品質,決定將原訂12月11日舉辦的「2021 北宜公路超級馬拉松」賽事活動延期至12月25日
 所有參賽者的報名資格和加購項目都會自動轉移至新的賽事日,決定繼續參加的跑友,不需做任何動作。若無法參加而選擇要退費的參賽者,大會依競賽辦法[十二、報名方式:(三)退費之第四區的內容]辦理,於期限內申請登記的跑者將全額退費(當全隊均申請退費時,物資處理費才退給團報人)。請在 2021年6月6日以前填表退費。超過將不再受理申請。


Postponement of the 2021 Taipei-Yilan Pathway Ultramarathon

Dear Participants,
   In alignment with the Taiwan CDC protocol of COVID-19, and with participants’ safety being a primary concern, there are many race has been postponed. In order to maintain the quality of each event, the 2021 Taipei-Yilan Pathway Ultramarathon scheduled for December 11 has been postponed to December 25 this year.
    All registered participants will have their race registration automatically transferred to the new race date. If you are unable to attend the event on 25 December 2021, you can apply for a refund of your current race registration and additional purchases here: https://forms.gle/jj38E8gHnQGsKab19 . Applications for race refunds must be made by 6 June 2021 and will not be accepted after this date.
    We understand the disappointment this may cause but greatly appreciate your understanding with this challenging situation. Let us all sit back at this moment and wait for the dark cloud passes. Please continue training for the race later. 
    If you have any questions, please contact: ctau.runner@gmail.com
【Refund Application】
From now on, until 6 June 2021. Please provide the information when registration.
Applications for race refunds must be made by 6 June 2021 and will not be accepted after this date.



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